Tuesday, January 13th, 2010
Ovarian cancer and mesothelioma - a rare cancer of the protective lining of the large body cavities and the institutions that included - tend metastases to generate, to disseminate within the abdominal cavity. As a result of these metastases drops survival over five years less than 40%, even if the metastasizing solid tumors have been surgically moved.
A team of researchers at Boston University, with the participation of investigators from Brigham and women's Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland, has developed a drug loaded polymer nanoparticles has the goals and treated this annoying metastases. Nanoparticles responds to the acidic pH in tumor cells by expand and share the anti-cancer agent paclitaxel slowly over a period of 24 hours. Tests have shown that these nanoparticles reduced tumor growth not only, but prevents new tumor implantation in the abdominal cavity.
Current mesothelioma treatment is a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, so that when these nanoparticles prove successfully could also start this therapy to change. Treated the current treatment for peritoneal tumors survived extensible with the drug loaded nanoparticles nearly twice as long as animals treated with free paclitaxel. And in other experiments were injected nanoparticles in the abdominal cavity, networked tumor sites and stayed there for at least seven days.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Alliance for nanotechnology in cancer currently trying performance of nanotechnology to radically change how we diagnose, treat and prevent cancer. Many scientists in the private and public sector believe nanotechnology is the key to keep pace with today's explosion in scientific knowledge.
This entry was on Monday, December 13th, 2010 at 3: 07 pm and is filed under news.