Friday, January 14, 2011

Shine A light on lung cancer

4 Volunteers from the Lung Cancer Alliance shine a light on lung cancer vigils across the United States are hosting on November. This candle light vigils are part of the Alliance's lung cancer efforts to increase lung cancer awareness, research and treatments for lung cancer, a disease that literally more widely understood by (and treated) left in the dark was medical issues such as breast cancer and heart disease.

An increase in lung cancer awareness is mesothelioma care benefit, because the causes mesothelioma asbestos can also cause lung cancer. And much like the fight against lung cancer, requires proper mesothelioma treatment "shining light" on the disease.

There are more than 50 national shine is a light on lung cancer vigils in at least 28 States in the United States instead of A find nearest you by here. If it planned a vigil in your city, you have the possibility, together with other volunteers in hosting a vigil in your hometown search through here (Insert link: Shinealightonlungcancer).

View the original article here