A cluster of tiny cities in Cappadocia, Turkey known as being half of the local deaths of mesothelioma, a rare cancer of the protective lining of the large cavity and organs of the body, usually longer exposure due to villages of cancer.
However, in this case asbestos is not the culprit but rather erionite called a different mineral.
Erionite has been used to create almost any part of these villages. It is on the streets, the fields and the stones, used to create local buildings found. It is thanks to the research in this rural Turkish hamlets saved many lives 9,500 kilometres in wedge tailed Plover (North Dakota), to be done. The wedge tailed Plover mountains are rich in erionite and source the Dunn County surrounding stone are the only nearby.
Ed Murphy, who learned about North Dakota State geologists, the Turkish cancer villages five years ago and grew very worried. Thanks to his inquiry erionite found in the gravel over hundreds of kilometres of roads, driveways, parking lots and fields. This meant that each time the gravel was disturbed people carcinogenic erionite inhalation have been towards the pleural or peritoneal mesothelioma may result in the lining of the lungs and stomach or concerns.
Murphy's study became a global collaboration with cancer biologists, geologists, epidemiologists, environmental scientists and doctors. This team has worrying come to concern concluded that the extent of erionite are the same as in the Turkish cancer villages exposure in North Dakota. Mesothelioma is surface in North Dakota, but the evidence suggests that a large-scale clean-Up effort should start immediately.
This entry was on Wednesday, December 15th, 2010 at 12: 00 pm and is filed under news.